Services provided by Tecnoconference Europe e SNAB

Sophisticated lighting systems to create scenic backdrops or architectural lighting designed and manufactured to provide the highest quality of light in all shapes and shades. Our lighting design service creates lighting sets for shows and entertainment events, and for atmospheric or communication purposes to add value to the context and the message and to enhance the memory of the event.
Every building has a story, a soul, a personality. We emphasise and define it by scenically illuminating its shape and details. We use special systems to produce a wide range of lighting effects, always combining quality with energy efficiency.

Lighting design
Luce che emoziona: l’illuminazione libera la propria espressività su muri, ambienti, persone. E diviene strumento imprescindibile capace di disegnare e arredare uno spazio. I nostri tecnici pensano e progettano ad hoc la luce per interni, esterni, facciate, elementi architettonici ed espositivi, così integrando gli ambienti e conferendo alla loro esteriorità un forte sottotesto emotivo.
Write to us!
Via del Fosso della Magliana, 34F - 00148 Rome
TEL +39 06 78359617 - FAX +39 06 78359385